Film Fan Site

Title: Solo: A Star Wars Story

Date: 2018
Type: Sci-Fi / Action / Adventure
Rating: 4 Stars 4/5
Colour: Yes
Director: Ron Howard

In this prequel Hans Solo gets involved in a criminal heist and meets up with the characters who appear with him in later main story Stars War films. This is a well produced film that has plenty of action and various plot twists as hans Solo meets up with Chewbacca , Lando Calrissian ans the Millenium Falcon. Whilst Alden Ehrenreich is no harrison Ford, he is OK in the lead, but it is Emilia Clarke who gives the best performance and there is goos support from Woody Harrelson, Paul Bettany and Thandie Newton. A good addition to the Star Wars family of films.


Alden Ehrenreich
Joonas Suatamo
Woody HarrelsonWoody Harrelson
Emelia ClarkeEmilia Clarke
Donald Glover
Thandie NewtonThandie Newton
Paul BettanyPaul Bettany
Erin Kellyman


Nomination - Visual Effects