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Original title: Du riffif chez les hommes
Date: 1955
Type: Crime drama
Rating: 3 Stars 3/5
Colour: Black and White
Director: Jules Dassin
After being released from prison a man teams up with three other criminals to steal jewellery from the safe in shop through a complex process but when another discover what they have done things turn violent. This French film is the classic film that revolves around a complex heist. The style and approach has been copied many times since. The film is notable for the actual heist sequence which runs for over 30 minutes with no dialogue, no music and hardly any sound. This is what makes the film a classic heist film rather than the retribution in the second half of the film. Hwoever it the seconf half as fate intervenes that makes this also a Film Noir.
Jean Servais
Carl Mohner
Robert Manuel
Janine Darcey
Magali Noel
Marie Sabouret
Claude Sylvain
