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Title: Miss Willoughby and the Haunted Bookshop

Date: 2021
Type: Mystery / Crime
Rating: 2 Stars 2/5
Colour: Yes
Director: Brad Watson

A university professsor (Nathalie Cox) is called called in by her freind who thinks she is being haunted by her dead father, but when she disappears the academic turns detective as she suspects foul play. This is a light British crime mysterywhich is helped by Kelsey Grammer as the family friend who brought up wealthy Nathalie Cox in a mansion after her parents died young. Pleasant but nothing special.


Nathalie Cox
Kelsey GrammerKelsey Grammer
Louise Bangay
Tara Fitzgerald
Steven Elder
Caroline Quentin
Nicholas Jones
Wayne Gordon
Bhavna Limbachia



Miss Willoughby and the Haunted Bookshop