Title: Just Like A Woman
Date: 1967
Type: Comedy
Rating: 2/5
Colour: Yes
Director: Robert Fuest
Producer: Bob Kellett
A night club singer (Wendy Craig) and her television producer husband (Francis Matthews) are in the process of breaking up and she leaves him, buys a field and builds a bathroom on the site. This is a strange British 1960's comedy that has Wendy Craig employing an ecentric architrect (Clive Dunn) to build her a bathroom whilst her husband tries to continue to run his second rate television show. The plot is nonsense, but it is nice to see Wendy Craig and Clive Dunn in different roles from their more well known television characters.
Wendy Craig
Francis Matthews
John Wood
Peter Jones
Clive Dunn
Sheila Steafel
Juliet Harmer
Angela Browne