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Title:Jules Verne's Rocket To The Moon

Date: 1967
Type: Comedy
Rating: 3 Stars 3/5
Colour: Yes
Director: Don Sharp
Producer: Harry Alan Towers

A mixed group of Victorian scientists and industrialists get together to build a rocket to send a man to the moon by shooting it out of a tunnel in a Welsh mountain. The whole plan seems unlikely to succeed as it is beset by sabbotage, corruption, spies and incompetance. The plot is patchy with a few funny scenes and some good performances from several comic actors.


Burl IvesBurl Ives
Jimmy Clitheroe
Judy Cornwell
Gert FrobeGert Frobe
Lionel JeffriesLionel Jeffries
Stratford Johns
Daliah LaviDaliah Lavi
Dennis Price
Terry ThomasTerry Thomas



Jules Verne's Rocket To The Moon