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Title:The Great Wall

Date: 2016
Type: Fanntasy / Action
Rating: 3 Stars 3/5
Colour: Yes
Director: Yimou Zhang

A mercenary soldier and his companion are travelling China looking for gun powder when they arrive at the Geart Wall. The army, led by a female soldier, are fighting hordes of vicious mythical style creatures. The plot is an army versus mythical creatures, but there is nothing that sets this above the average for the genre. The acting and dialogue are not great, although there are a few good scenes, the problem is that the plot does not flow well or hang together well. The CGI beasts are not good, but parts of the battle scenes are good, if illogical (female warriors bunge jumping off the wall to kill the beasts). Not the best film that Matt Damon has done, but Tian Jing has potential.


Matt DamonMatt Damon
Willem DafoeWillem Dafoe
Pedro Pascal
Tian Jing
Hanyu Zhang
Han Lu



The Great Wall