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Title: Deadly Deed: A Fixer Upper Mystery

Date: 2018
Type: Murder mystery
Rating: 1 Star 1/5
Colour: Yes
Director: Mark Jean

A woman (Jewel Kilcher) who runs a building repair firm is asked to help renovate a house as a community project for a bank, but then the president of the bank is killed, she starts to investigate. The plot is quite thin, but the main problem is that the characters are very bland so Jewel Kilcher and Colin Ferguson come across with little passion or emotion.


Jewel KilcherJewel Kilcher
Colin FergusonColin Ferguson
Erin KarpluckErin Karpluck
Colin LawrenceColin Lawrence
Ron LeaRon Lea
Jason Cermak
Crystal BalintCrystal Balint
Tammy GillisTammy Gillis
Lilah FitzgeraldLilah Fitzgerald
Gelsea MaeGelsea Mae



Deadly Deed: A Fixer Upper Mystery