Title: Christmas At Pemberly Manor
Date: 2018
Type: Christmas / Romance
Rating: 1/5
Colour: Yes
Director: Colin Theys
An event planner (Jessica Lowndes) is employed by a friend (Cole Gleason) who is now mayor of a small town to organise the Christmas festival. When the original venue becomes unavailable she approaches the wealthy owner (Michael Rady) of the local manor house that is about to be developed to use as the venue. This is a very loose play on the Pride and Pejudice theme with a fairly weak plot. Jessica Lowndes is OK in the lead, but Michael Rady is unconvincing as the male lead. There is more chemistry between Maddie McCormick and Ben Estus as the two side kicks.
Jessica Lowndes
Michael Rady
Cole Gleason
Maddie McCormick
Ben Estus
Steve Larkin
Elaine Hendrix