Title: A Christmas Arrangement
Date: 2018
Type: Christmas / Romance
Rating: 1/5
Colour: Yes
Director: Jake Helgren
With her flower aranging business about to collapse, the owner (Nicky Whelan) enters the loscal contest for a cash prize that a rival company has won for the last 12 years. The junior partner (Miles Fisher) of the rival company wants to show his boss (Daphne Zungia) how good he is and so takes over the design. The rivals find they have more in common than flowers. This is a typical made for television romance with very little plot, though Nicky Whelan is pleasant in the lead role.
Nicky Whelan
Miles Fisher
Daphne Zuniga
Lexi Giovagnoli
Julie McNiven
Clayton James
Leslie Easterbrook
Chloe Catherine Kim
Autumn Federici