Film Fan Site

Title: Bloody Pit Of Horror

Date: 1965
Type: Italian horror
Rating: 2 Stars 2/5
Colour: Yes
Director: Massimo Pupillo

A director and a photographger together with their secretary and a group of young female models come across what they think is a deserted castle, only to find it is occupied by a mad former actor who thinks he is the reincarnation of the Crimoson Executioner and sets about tourturing and killing off people one by one. This is camp Italian horror from 1960's at its cheap and trashy best. There are scantilly clad blond models being slowly tortured and killed whilst Mickey Hatigay camps it up iling his bear chest and overacting around a weird selection of torture items.


Mickey Hartigay
Walter BrandiWalter Brandi
Luisa Baratto
Ralph Zucker
Rita Klein
Barbara Nelli
Femi Benussi

