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3 Bed, 2 Bath, 1 Ghost

Date: 2023
Type: Romance / Fantasy / Ghost
Rating: 2 Stars 2/5
Colour: Yes
Director: Kevin Fair
An estate agent (Julie Gonzalo) has to sell an old house only to find it has a ghost (Madeleine Arthur) who tries to reunite her with her ex-boyfriend (Chris McNally). This is an entertaining romance with an engaging performance from Madeline Arthur as the ghost from the 1920's. The time difference is worked well and avoids the usual extended play on the differences in the times and focuses more on the relationships.
Julie GonzaloJulie Gonzalo
Chris McNallyChris McNally
Madeleine Arthur
Xavier Sotelo
William Vaughan
Sarah Peguero
Thomas Darya
Sophia Johnson

For Hallmark
3 Bed, 2 Bath, 1 Ghost