Title: The Spanish Cape Mystery
Date: 1935
Type: Murder mystery
Rating: 3/5
Colour: Black and White
Director: Lewis D Collins
Producer: M H Hoffman
Ellery Queen (Donald Cook) and his friend rent a house for a holiday, but when they arrive they find a woman (Helen Twelevetrees) tied up and her relative has been kidnapped. When murders start happening he is drawn into helping the woman solve the murders before she becomes a victim. The plot is better than many murder mysteries of the 1930's as it is based on an Ellery Queen novel. Donald Cook is not very dynamic in the lead, but Helen Twelvetrees brings some charm and elegance to the film.
Helen Twelvetrees
Donald Cook
Berton Churchill
Frank Sheridan
Harry Stubbs
Guy Usher
Huntly Gordon
Jack Larue
Betty Blythe
Olaf Hytten
Ruth Gillette
Frank Leigh
Barbara Bedford
Katherine Morrow
Republic Pictures