Title: The Shining
Date: 1980
Type: Horror

Colour: Yes
Director: Stanley Kubrick
Producer: Stanley Kubrick
Jack Nicholson takes the job as caretaker in a remote hotel for the winter and moves in with his wife (Shelly Duvall) and son (Danny Lloyd). The son starts seeing visions of people whilst Jack Nicholson slowly goes insane. Jack Nicholson gives one of his best performances as the caretaker terrorising his family in a hotel cut off from the world. Shelly Duvall gives a good performance getting gradually more terrified. The scene where Jack Nicholson breaks into the bathroom where SHelly Duvall is hiding has become iconic as he puts is head through the hole and says "Here's Johnny". From a filming perspective, it is the use of a steady-cam that draws the viewers into several of the scenes. Based on the novel by Stephen King but it is Staley Kubrick's interpretation that defines the film.

Danny Lloyd
Scatman Crothers
Barry Nelson

Joe Turkel
Stephen King
Here's Johnny!