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Rogue's Yarn

Date: 1957
Type: Crime / Murder
Rating: 3 Stars 3/5
Colour: Black and White
Director: Vernon Sewell
Producer: George Maynard
A man (Derek Bond) having an affair (Nicole Maurey) expects his wife to die, but when she recovers, they come up with a plot to kill her and think they have a foolproof plan to get away with murder. The film is all about the investigation by the policeman as he attempts to prove the husband killed his wife and how he did it. In many ways this is a drab British murder film, but it in intriguing to see how the investigation unfolds.
Nicole MaureyNicole Maurey
Derek BondDerek Bond
Elwyn Brook-Jones
Hugh Latimer
John Serret
John Salew
Joan Carol
Madoline Thomas
Agatha Carroll
Barbara Christie

Cresswell Productions