Title: The Phantom Light
Date: 1935
Type: Mystery
Rating: 3/5
Colour: Black and White
Director: Michael Powell
A new lighthouse keeper arrives at a lighthouse near a small Welsh village. A previous keeper died in mysterious circumstances and now a phantom light draws ships to be wrecked on the rocks. Gordon Harker is entertaining as the jovial new keeper and Binnie Hale and Donald Calthrop are good as the undercover policemen. This is a well produced film from Michael Powell that is entertaining and has a small amount of mystery.
Binnie Hale
Gordon Harker
Donald Calthrop
Milton Rosmer
Ian Hunter
Herbert Lomas
Reginald Tate
Barry O'Neill
Mickey Brantford
Alice O'Day
Fewlass Llewellyn
Edgar K Bruce
Louie Emery