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Title: The Mystery Man

Date: 1935
Type: Crime / Romance
Rating: 3 Stars 3/5
Colour: Black and White
Director: Raymond McCarey

A newspaper reporter (Robert Doyle) ends up broke in a different city where he meets a charming but also broke woman (Maxine Doyle). Through a series of adventures they get involved in hunting down the identity of a notorious murderer called The Eel, though the ploice think it is him as a man was shot with his gun that he had pawned. This is a typical reproter solves the crime that the police cannot, only this time Maxine Doyle brings some comic and romantic relief to a murder mystery.


Robert ArmstrongRobert Armstrong
Maxine DoyleMaxine Doyle
Henry KolkerHenry Kolker
LeRoy Mason
James BurkeJames Burke
Guy Usher



  Mystery Man