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Title: The Love Test

Date: 1935
Type: Drama / Romance
Rating: 2 Stars 2/5
Colour: Black and White
Director: Michael Powell
Producer: Leslie Landau

With the retirement of the chief chemist, the company appoints a woman to take over from him. The other male workers decide to try and make her fall in love with one of them in order to distract her from her work in an attempt to get rid of her. By today's standards, this is full of sexual sterotypes and is not a classic, but there are some good scenes, including Googie Withers teaching Louis Hayward how to kiss and Judy Gunn trnasformed from dowdy chemist to beautiful woman. THis best performance is from Googie Withers as the slightly cheeky secretary.


Judy Gunn
Louis HaywardLouis Hayward
David Hutcheson
Googie WithersGoogie Withers
Morris Harvey
Aubrey Dexter
Eve Turner
Bernard MilesBernard Miles

