Title: His Double Life
Date: 1933
Type: Comedy / Drama / Romance
Rating: 3/5
Colour: Black and White
Director: Arthur Hopkins
A painter (Roland Young) lives a reclusive life and has not been seen by anyone but his butler for years. When his butler dies, the doctor thinks it is the famous painter who is dead and the painter is his butler. He takes on the persona of the butler and falls in love with the woman (Lilliuan Gish) the butler had been corresponding with. This is a variation on the theme of mistaken identity and is much better in the scenes that feature Lillian Gish.
Roland Young
Lillian Gish
Montagu Love
Lumsden Hare
Lucy Beaumont
Charles Richman
Oliver Smith
Phillip Tonge
Audrey Ridgewell
Regina DeValet
Arnold Bennett