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Title: Garage Sale Mystery: Pandora's Box

Date: 2018
Type: Murder mystery
Rating: 2 Stars 2/5
Colour: Yes
Director: Neill Fearnley

A woman (Lori Loughlin) and her friend (Sarah Strange) run an antiques shop and also get involved in solving murders. A woman (Jessie Fraser) brings into the shop a puzzle box belonging to her mother who has just died in a supposed accident. The next day she also dies in a similar accident. This film has the same formula as the other films in the series, though with a bit more story involving Lori Loughlin's family.


Lori LoughlinLori Loughlin
Sarah StrangeSarah Strange
Steve BacicSteve Bacic
Eva BourneEva Bourne
Connor StanhopeConnor Stanhope
Kevin O'GradyKevin O'Grady
Jay BrazeauJay Brazeau
Johanna NewmarchJohanna Newmarch
Jessie FraserJessie Fraser
Lochlyn MunroLochlyn Munro
Latonya WilliamsLatonya Williams



Garage Sale Mystery: Pandora's Box