Film Fan Site

Title: Axe To Grind

Date: 2015
Type: Horror
Rating: 1 Star 1/5
Colour: Yes
Director: Matt Zettell

A horror actress is rejected by her producer husband for a younger woman and then dropped from his next horror film. She replaces the the younger woman on the set of the film and proceeds to despatch those she considers responsible with her trusty axe. This is a slasher film with plenty of women in the main roles, but it lacks suspense, horror, gore and sex. As there is little in the way of plot, what there is is clichéd and no character development, it ends up being disappointing. Debbie Rocheon in the lead does the best with what she has to work with but the rest of the acting is not great, but not helped by the script.


Debbie Rochon
Matt Guilbranson
Guy Torry
Paula Labaredas
Michelle Tomlinson
Dani Thompson



  Axe To Grind